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Academy for Research & Higher Education (ARES) Scholarship Programme 2023-2024

Academy for Research & Higher Education (ARES) Scholarship Programme 2023-2024

Deadline: January 27, 2023

Are you a national of an ARES partner country? Do you have a higher education degree? Do you have professional experience and would you like to deepen your skills in a development-related topic? Apply now for the ARES Scholarship Programme 2023-2024.

The ARES scholarships offer you the opportunity to follow a one-year advanced bachelor’s or master’s degree programme or a 2-to-6-month continuing education programme within a higher education institution of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation in Belgium.

Within the framework of the ARES 2022-2027 cooperation programme, three types of training are offered through the international training scholarships:

  • Advanced bachelor’s and master’s degrees are inter-institutional training programmes organised in one academic year and at the end of which an academic degree is awarded.
  • Continuing education programmes are more practical and of shorter duration (2 to 6 months). They deliver a certificate.


  • Each year, The ARES awards an average of 130 scholarships Master’s and Bachelor’s scholarship and 70 Countinuing education scholarships to nationals of its partner countries.


In order to be eligible, the applicant must:

  • Be national, reside and work in one of the following countries: Benin, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cuba, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Haiti, Indonesia, Kenya, Madagascar, Morocco, Mozambique, Nepal, Niger, Peru, Philippines, Republic of Guinea (Conakry), Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, Vietnam and Zimbabwe.
  • Hold a diploma comparable to a graduate level degree (300 credits ECTS) from Belgian university studies for advanced masters and continuing education courses (equivalent to Bac+5); Hold a diploma comparable to a undergraduate level degree (180 credits ECTS) for advanced bachelors (equivalent to Bac+3). The candidate must have held the relevant academic degree for a maximum of 20 years at the time of the start of the course. This maximum period is increased by one year by childbirth and/or adoption.
  • Possess relevant professional experience in a ARES partner country of at least two years after graduate studies for advanced bachelors, after postgraduate studies for advanced masters and continuing education courses.
  • Complete the application in the language in which the training is given and can attest a good written and spoken knowledge of it. Moreover, knowing a minimum of French allows for a good integration into daily life in Belgium.
  • Apply for only one training course.


Your application should be submitted to ARES via the GIRAF platform:

  • You must first ensure that you have an active GIRAF account.
    • You can create an account on the GIRAF platform. This account will be validated (within a few hours to a few days, don’t create more than one account) by ARES and you will receive a confirmation mail to create a password.
    • If you created a validated account last year, you can reuse that account and if necessary reset your password.
  • Once logged into your GIRAF account, you can access the application form via the Competitive calls tab of your GIRAF profile. Note that you must only click once on the “International training application 2023-2024” button. You will then find your form in the My tasks table of the Competitive calls.
  • You can complete your form several times, as long as you use the “Save and edit later” option. You will find your form each time in the My Tasks table of the Competitive calls tab in GIRAF.
  • As soon as you click on “Submit my application”, your application is sent to ARES and you can no longer modify it. You can still consult it in the My submitted files tab.

Applications must be submitted via GIRAF by January 27, 2023 at 12pm (Belgian time, UTC+1) at the latest. Applications submitted after this date will not be considered.

For more information, visit ARES Scholarship.

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