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Call for Applications: Youth Pre-Conference on the Margins of the 2nd Annual International Conference On Public Health In Africa 2022 (Funded)

Call for Applications: Youth Pre-Conference on the Margins of the 2nd Annual International Conference On Public Health In Africa 2022 (Funded)

Deadline: November 22, 2022

Apply to participate in the Youth Pre-Conference on the Margins of the 2nd Annual International Conference On Public Health In Africa 2022. Africa CDC will convene a Youth Pre-Conference on December 10-11, 2022 in Kigali, Rwanda prior to its 2nd Annual International Conference on Public Health in Africa (CPHIA) 2022.

The aim is to kick-start a long-term strategic engagement between Africa CDC and young people, to advance the full implementation of the NPHO and thereby, drive health security in Africa and globally. This Youth Pre-Conference will take place in-person and participants are invited to participate at the CPHIA 2022 (13-15 December 2022) to engage in the conversation on the theme: meaningful youth engagement for advancing sustainable health security in Africa. Africa CDC is therefore announcing a call for applications for young public health professionals who are interested in participating in this conference.


  • Africa CDC will cover all travel related costs of participants, with support from its partners.


  • The conference will target young people, between 18-35 years, with track records of work/experience and education (at least enrolled as undergraduate) in the areas of medical science, public health, health technology, as well as public health advocacy, development cooperation and journalism focused on health etc;
  • Representatives should be from youth-led and youth-oriented organisations and networks, associations, academia or in an individual capacity;
  • Interest in public health and engagement as a youth advocate in the area.
  • Youth that have also led or engaged in public health related projects, research and initiatives are invited to apply.
  • Youth participants affiliated with a youth-led organisation, network or movement are highly encouraged to apply.
  • Youth participants must demonstrate commitment to public health engagement as an advocate or a practitioner in the area.
  • Other factors such as geographical balance, diverse ideological and professional backgrounds; gender, ethnic and social diversity, including disability inclusion, will also be considered in the final selection of participants.

Selection Criteria

  • An independent committee comprising of experts will conduct the selection of participants for the pre-conference.
  • Application documents must provide clear and detailed information about the applicant including their age, gender, nationality, language, education, values and experience in any of the following areas: Public health or medical sciences, media or journalism (Health reports), civil society organisations, public service, and/or community leaders.
  • Submission of a written motivation statement briefly detailing why you want to participate in the Youth Pre-Conference, highlighting the role of the youth in advancing sustainable health security in Africa.


Applicants for the Youth Pre-Conference are expected to fill out the application form online with their personal information, educational and professional background attaching a:

  • Statement briefly detailing why they want to participate in the Youth Pre-Conference, highlighting the role of the youth in advancing sustainable health security in Africa
  • A copy of passport
  • A curriculum Vitae

Click here to apply

For more information, visit Youth Pre-Conference.

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