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Yunus Centre Social Fiction Design Competition 2022 ($10,000 prize)

Yunus Centre Social Fiction Design Competition 2022 ($10,000 prize)

Deadline: December 15, 2022

Applications are open for the Yunus Centre Social Fiction Design Competition 2022. The Social Fiction Design Competition invites visionaries and dreamers all over the world with a knack for creative writing to share how they wish to see the world and the lives of young people in the year 2050.

This is a global platform encouraging Social Fiction to imagine a world we want to live in, a world free of social and environmental injustices that plague our communities. And it all starts with our imagination.


  • Compete and get a chance to win USD $10,000.


  • Open to anyone from around the world;
  • No age restrictions;
  • No geographical limitations.


Sit back and imagine a world in 2050. How do you wish to see the life of a young person in the year 2050?

  • In min 1000 – max 5000 words, write a Social Fiction, taking the readers on a tour of what this fictional world in 2050 looks like.
  • Address one or more social and environmental focus areas in your writing:
    • Climate Change, Micro-credit, Agriculture, Technology and Innovation, Transport, Literature, Music, Waste, Circular Economy, Tourism, WASH, Employment, Sports, Health & Well-being etc.
  • Tell organisers how key players in the government, corporate houses, educational institutions, local businesses and/or community members are contributing to this new world.
  • Fill up the online application form. Upload and submit your Social Fiction writing!

Click here to apply

For more information, visit Social Fiction Design Competition.

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