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Zuri Training For African Youths 2021: Learn how to code and design

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Zuri Training key details:

Zuri training which is being powered by Ingressive for Good provides enough knowledge to help scale through the tech industry for free with basic introduction to software development and design aimed at complete beginners which anyone can join. Each week you’ll be given course content, have opportunity to attend live classes and work on tasks to help you understand each topic better.

At Zuri Training, you gain access to enough knowledge to introduce and aid your success in the tech industry. The program is a 4-month long program aimed at getting you started in the industry. We understand it is impossible to become an expert at anything in just 4 months. However, we promise to give you everything you need to get started.

Zuri Training Benefits

Participants of the training will benefit the following:

other scholarship opportunities

Interested candidates can simply click the button below to apply:

For more information visit the official website of the Zuri Training 2021

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